Ross Savage

Ross Savage

Expert Trainer

Specialises in: AML, CFT, Sanctions and wider financial crime compliance thematics 

Ross is an experienced freelance financial crime consultant and professional trainer with over 20 years of experience.  As an ex Detective and Accredited Financial Investigator, Ross initially focused on conducting money laundering investigations and stripping the illegally obtained assets of organised criminals. 

Ross spent part of his operational career working for the UK National Terrorist Financial Investigation Unit (NTFIU). Working closely with government & industry partners, he led terrorist finance operations and supported work on domestic and international sanctions investigations. During this time, Ross was part of a small training team that delivered bespoke, tailored training in Countering the Financing of Terrorism (CFT), Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Sanctions Compliance to overseas partners in the Middle East. For part of the time Ross worked within UK counter-terrorism, he was seconded to the UK Ministry of Defence (MOD). Here, he provided specialist CFT/AML & sanctions expertise, travelling to Afghanistan, the United States and across Europe. 

Outside of UK law enforcement, Ross has previously held the title of Global Lead for Sanctions Compliance Training for the International Compliance Association, and is a visiting expert and trainer for several other financial crime and sanctions compliance training companies.