5th Annual Economic Crime & Compliance Symposium
Join your industry peers at the School of International Financial Services' 5th Annual Economic Crime & Compliance Symposium in November 2025.
Join your industry peers at the School of International Financial Services' 5th Annual Economic Crime & Compliance Symposium in November 2025.
At this prestigious face-to-face event, you will have the opportunity to meet in person and hear from a range of world-leading experts who will share insights into the latest economic crime developments from AML/CFT and sanctions to tax evasion and bribery and corruption.
Suitable For
This event is suitable for all financial services compliance professionals, including MLROs, Compliance Officers and Directors with risk management oversight in Jersey.
Time |
Topic |
08:30-09:00 | Registration | |
09:00-09:10 | Welcome from the Symposium Chair Helen Hatton, Executive Director at School of International Financial Services |
09:10-09:55 | How Bribery & Corruption Undermines Society ... |
09:55-10:25 | Panel Discussion: Managing PEPs: Risk-Based Approaches for Identifying and Mitigating Corruption Risks ... |
10:25-11:05 | KYC as a Frontline Defence: Identifying Red Flags in Corruption and PEP Transactions ... |
11:05-11:20 | Refreshment break | |
11:20-12:05 | The Role of AML in Safeguarding Society: Disrupting Criminal Networks Hennie Verbeek-Kusters, Head of FIU at FIU – the Netherlands |
12:05-12:35 | Panel Discussion: Collaborating to Combat Crime: The Role of Public-Private Partnerships in AML/CFT ... |
12:35-13:10 | Jersey AML/CFT/CPF Update ... |
13:10-13:55 | Lunch break | |
13:55-14:40 | The Impact of Drug Trafficking on Society and What We Can Do in the War on Drugs ... |
14:40-15:25 | Managing Offshore Structures: Protecting Against Illicit Financial Flows ... |
15:25-15:40 | Refreshment break |
15:40-16:20 | Cybercrime in Financial Services: Societal Impact Beyond the Numbers ... |
16:20-16:50 | Panel Discussion: Defending Against Cyber-Enabled Financial Crime: Proactive Strategies for Financial Institutions ... |
16:50-17:00 | Chair's closing summary and remarks Helen Hatton, Executive Director at School of International Financial Services |
Helen Hatton (Chair) Executive Director at the School of International Financial Services |
![]() Helen is a well-known figure in the offshore world and is widely recognised as the prime architect of the Jersey regulatory regime. She was Director of Enforcement for the Isle of Man Financial Supervision Commission; Deputy Director General, Jersey Financial Services Commission and founder of Sator Regulatory Consulting Limited and KYC Worldwide. Helen merged Sator with BDO in 2016 and became BDO Sator MD and BDO Group Chairman from 2016-2021. She has undertaken a wide range of major, international fact finding mandates including those for the World Bank, IMF, FATF, Commonwealth Secretariat, the UK Foreign Office and a fistful of Central Banks, regulatory authorities and governments. She is a Fellow of the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies and Royal Society of Arts, and sits on the Editorial Board of the International Banker. Helen holds non-executive appointments at Santander International, Jersey Post International Limited, Jersey Office of the Information Commissioner, and is shareholder and director of KnowYourCountry.Com and the School of International Financial Services. Helen is Executive Chairman of Central Associates Limited, a London based, family owned and relationships driven, investigations, intelligence and surveillance company. |
Hennie Verbeek-Kusters (Keynote Speaker) Head of FIU at FIU – the Netherlands |
![]() Hennie Verbeek-Kusters has been the head of FIU – the Netherlands since 2008. Under her leadership, the focus of FIU - the Netherlands has shifted to greater cooperation with public and private partners in the fight against money laundering, predicate offences and the financing of terrorism, both nationally and internationally. At the national level, Ms. Verbeek-Kusters is committed to producing high-quality financial intelligence and to putting the possibilities of the financial intelligence system and FIU's unique buffer function on the map. Under Ms. Verbeek-Kusters' leadership, FIU – the Netherlands established the Fintell Alliance, the public-private partnership between FIU-Netherlands and six major banks. In addition, FIU-Netherlands makes a significant contribution to various other collaborations, such as the Financial Expertise Centre (FEC), the Terrorism Financing Taskforce, and the Serious Crime Taskforce. The FIU-Netherlands has received very positive feedback in the 4thround MER of the Netherlands that was concluded in 2022. In recent years, Ms. Verbeek-Kusters has led the Egmont Group of Financial Intelligence Units as Chair, from July 2020 to July 2022 and from July 2017 to July 2019. It was the first time a Dutch head of FIU held this position and the first time since its 25th anniversary the Egmont Group had a female chair. As of July 2022, she has stepped down as Chair, but still serves on the Egmont Group as Board Member of the Egmont Group Secure Web (ESW) Board and as strategic advisor for several Egmont Group projects. Within the Egmont Group, Ms. Verbeek-Kusters was one of the driving forces behind the establishment of the Egmont Center of FIU Excellence and Leadership (ECOFEL), the strategic further development of the Egmont Group and the renewal of the IT platform with which FIUs worldwide exchange information. Achieving concrete results in the fight against money laundering, terrorism financing and predicate offences and increasing the professionalism of FIUs are her main drivers in her everyday work. |
Platinum Sponsor .. |
KYC360Gold Plus sponsor 30 years advising businesses on compliance processes, 15 years running large-scale Sec 166-style investigations and a legal career that led to the founding of the International Compliance Association. These are the foundations that KYC360 is built upon, and how it came to be an award-winning SaaS business. KYC360 has evolved from RiskScreen to convey the platform’s all-encompassing nature, from on-boarding to off-boarding, and directly address the end-to-end nature of customer lifecycle management. Our subject-matter expertise, dedication to rapid deployment of solutions, superior level of customer support and ambitious product roadmap has made KYC360 a recognised and trusted name globally – and we aim to continuously improve on this award-winning position.
Silver Sponsor ... |
Bronze Sponsor ... |
Educational Partner
Jersey Compliance Officers Association (JCOA)The Jersey Compliance Officers Association is a professional body which provides a forum for the exchange of ideas and information. The JCOA actively encourages, and provides the environment for those 'experienced' or 'new to' compliance and risk professionals, both from within and outside financial services and the other regulated industries in Jersey, to support others for the benefit of the compliance and risk profession and the Jersey. For more information, please visit: www.jcoa.co.uk JCOA members qualify for a 20% discount when registering to attend this event.